Are Tooth Cavity In Children Regarded As a Dental Emergency?


It is crucial to protect your children from dental emergencies. Dental emergencies are a group of dental problems that require the immediate attention of a pediatric dentist. It’s essential to determine whether your children’s dental issue is qualified as a dental emergency to make the best decision. However, sometimes many parents make a wrong diagnosis due to their lack of information. For instance, many cases of tooth loss could be prevented if you visit the pediatric dentist at the right time. That’s because of a lack of public awareness about children’s dental emergencies and their symptoms. As an experienced dentist at pediatric dentistry in York explains, there are many frequently asked questions about children’s dental issues; for example, many parents even do not know that tooth cavities in children are considered dental emergencies. Cavities can bring your child complications with different degrees of severity. So, you must be informed enough to analyze its symptoms and choose whether visiting the pediatric dentist is necessary. Continue to read to learn everything about cavities in children and when it’s essential to look for emergency dental care.

What Are Dental Cavities?

Your child’s tooth has different layers; the most external is the enamel. When the enamel becomes damaged, it can form dental cavities that will weaken the tooth. Moreover, this damage is permanent and won’t be treated by itself, which is why visiting a pediatric dentist is required. Ignoring the cavities can lead to more severe conditions as they can develop and affect deeper tissues of your children’s teeth. This development can even impact the nerves and blood vessels, resulting in emergency tooth abscesses and periodontal disease. It explains why visiting the pediatric dentist when cavities aren’t developed is a better option, and you have a greater chance of saving your tooth.

What Are the Common Causes of Dental Cavities?

The leading cause of tooth cavities is poor oral hygiene and lacking oral health habits. The importance and effects of brushing and flossing teeth two times a day are obvious, as they can remove all plaque, bacteria and food buildup in the mouth. These damaging bacteria consume the sugar and can provide acid, which starts to erode the enamel. So, the best method to prevent dental cavities is maintaining standard oral hygiene and having regular checkups with the dentist once in a while. The dentist can identify early signs of tooth decay and dental cavities so you can prevent them in the safest way possible.

When Are Tooth Cavities in Children Considered a Dental Emergency?

If you leave the tooth cavities untreated, they can develop into a more serious problem considered a dental emergency. A developed dental cavity can compromise the vitality of your children’s teeth, which is why immediate emergency dental care is necessary in such cases. Severe tooth pain, swelling and fever are common signs of emergency dental cavities in children forcing you to visit the pediatric dentist as soon as possible. So, everything depends on the progress of tooth decay.

It’s much easier to take care of cavities in the early stages, so it’s better to visit the pediatric dentist after noticing the slightest sign of tooth decay.

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