For Those Out There Who Want to Know Whether Penis Enlargement Products Really Work
Yes, you’ve all seen them in the spam folders along with those others promoting Viagra, so let’s take a look at what the real truth is about the methods of penis enlargement and are they for real.
- If you’ve ever put the words “penis enlargement,” into a search engine, you will have clearly observed that it’s definitely a popular topic on the Internet.
A lot of the methods, devices, and supplements which are used for penis enlargement have not been proven to be that effective. The non-surgical methods of penis enlargement include the use of jelqing, which is a technique which involves the stretching of the tissues of the penis by way of hand.
Others, such as vacuum pumps will often claim that they are able to boost the size of a penis, but these effects are usually not permanent.
Weights, Creams and Supplements
And there are some advocates of penis augmentation who believe that by attaching special weighted devices to the penis, it can stretch and lengthen the tissues of the male reproductive organ. Creams and supplements will also often claim to do miracles and be capable of enlarging the penis by way of natural means, via the use of herbs and vitamins.
When Matters of Size are of Importance
To understand just why, let’s take a look at what actually occurs during an erection.
- A man’s penis contains spongy erectile bodies which fill up with blood as a man rises to the occasion.
These same fibrous areas are attached to the pelvic bone, and because of being fixed to the pelvic bone, they are not that easily manipulated. They happen to be fixed in place, and for the majority of males, the length of their penises which they have achieved through puberty will become their maximum length.
The Boosting of the Blood Flow
Any penis enlargement supplement which promotes blood flow can indeed help those parts fill faster with blood so that a man can reach his peak in less time, but they won’t actually do anything at all to make him any bigger.
In Malaysia, penis enlargement injections performed by an experienced doctor, can be professionally administered for any males who are seeking an increase in size.
Matters of Surgery
When it comes to surgical methods, penile girth enhancement surgery is utilised to increase the width of the penis and can also boost the flaccid length of a man’s penis.
Even though there are a number of different techniques which can be put to use during this type of penile cosmetic surgery, the most typical is that of a skin graft which stitches a piece of skin near the fascial tissue of the penis.
- The increase in size will depend on the patient’s agreement decided upon during the consultation with the operating physician.
Whatever method you decide upon, make sure to seek expert consultation for the best results.